Amethyst Lazer Restoration Bundle
Smudging is the ancient practice of burning herbs, leaves and grasses. Each type has a specific desirable quality to help remove negative energies from oneself and one's space. Indigenous cultures all over the world ritually burn herbs or incense as a means of cleansing and protecting the physical and spiritual bodies. This kit includes a stick of White Sage, a Palo Santo stick, and an Amethyst Lazer wand. Burn Sage & Palo Santo to purify and Cleanse your space and yourself from any negative Energies. Use this bundle whenever or wherever you feel the need to cleanse, balance or purify.
Sage: 4 " x 1 ¼"
Palo Santo: 4" x ½"
Amethyst Lazer Wand: 3 ½" x ¾"