Mini Smudge and Selenite Kit
Cleanse on the Go!!! Smudging is the ancient practice of burning herbs, leaves and grasses. They have specific desirable qualities with the intent of removing negative energies from oneself and one's space. Indigenous cultures all over the world ritually burn herbs or incense as a means of cleansing and protecting the physical and spiritual bodies. This kit includes a mini Abalone Shell, a Selenite stick, a Palo Santo stick, and a Sweetgrass braid. Selenite is a wonderful cleansing crystal that you can carry with you throughout your day. Palo Santo, also know as Holy Wood, is a great smudge that keeps a space energetically light and clean. And Sweetgrass attracts Abundance and Protection. Use this kit whenever or wherever you feel the need to cleanse, balance or purify yourself, others, a room or an area.