
Deep Green Jade Specimen

  • $54.95
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This is a beautiful Deep Green Jade block that would be great hand held, free standing, or laying flat in workspace or dresser. Jade comes in many colors like purple, black, red, lavender, blue, and of course the most recognized color of green. Jade is really a combination of two distinct minerals, Nephrite and Jadeite. Jadeite has a harness of 6 and Nephrite 6.5-7 and together these two interlock with their crystal systems into a very durable stone we call Jade. 

Jade is considered "The Emperor's" stone and has been mined and worked in China since the stone age. Jade holds a very important cultural prominence in ancient and modern day China. Jade is sought after worldwide for not only its beauty but also for what it is believed to hold within it for the bearer. 

Aligning with the heart chakra, Green Jade is an excellent heart healer and promotes overall health. Green Jade fosters a steady growth of chi and brings luck, nurturing, abundance, and harmony. Used as a heart balancer, it is believed to bring peace and prosperity. It connects with the Earth's life force and brings that energy to the auric field. 

  • Measurements: 2" x 2 3/4" x 1"
  • Weight: 7.45 oz