
Chakra White Sage Smudge Stick

  • $5.95
  • $5.95
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This Chakra White Sage Smudge Stick is a 3 ½ inch natural mini smudge stick adorned with 7 dried rose petals in the Chakra colors.  Instructions and Smudging Ceremony suggestions are included. Smudging is the ancient practice of burning herbs, leaves and grasses that have specific desirable qualities with the intent of removing negative energies from oneself and one's space. Indigenous cultures all over the world ritually burn herbs or incense as a means of cleansing and protecting the physical and spiritual bodies. The herbs are lit and the flame is gently blown out allowing the herbs to slowly smolder. The resulting smoke is moved and directed with a feather or hand to cleanse the body, the space, healing tools and/or ceremonial objects.  Use this kit whenever or wherever you feel the need to cleanse, balance or purify yourself, others, a room or an area. This would make a wonderful and thoughtful house warming gift.